
celebrity gossip.

joanna newsom and andy sandberg?????



my life update.

hey everyone… i apologize to everyone that has been reading my blog lately because i’ve only been posting “youtube” videos and pictures on the blog and not really updating about my life here in paris.

so i think i’m going to use this post to give you guys a bit of an update about how my life here is!

sciences po has been a mess lately. EXPOSES, EXPOSES, EXPOSES! sciences po has been unsurprisingly (i heard rumors of the intensity before going) and surprisingly (rumors are indeed facts) busy. yes busy, not hard, but busy. instead of a real “uni” like in the states, sciences po assigns to their students exposes or 10-15 minute oral presentations and short paper assignments that means little to nothing to students that are pursuing a degree there. instead of having a midterm, a final, and a final paper in courses to check what students have learned, sciences po gives you busy work like in high school to keep those bratty bourgeois French kids in line. i forget where i’ve read this, perhaps someone’s blog here at sciences po, but sciences po is really like an office. a fashion office for “preppy-chic” French students. (coined by maria) Much like an office, we prepare powerpoints, we do presentations, we present commentaries to our peers, we also deal with our “bosses” up in the sciences po l’avenir and the inscription offices.

prime example of a sciences po student:

well, although it seems like im hating on sciences po a bit in this post, there are also things that I really like here. For example, the post-modern bibliotheque!

i call this piece: Form over Function:

When compared to Gelman Library:

on another note, my life here is pretty good. ihaven’t really been traveling around Europe yet (ouais, pas encore) since I have so much work from Sciences Po but instead, i’ve found a good round of “regular” places to go and a wonderful internship.

on weekends and now Sundays, we go to Pop In a lot by Bastille/Oberkampf because it’s an amazing bar with an awesome basement. It reminds me of the blackcat backstage and random bands play there often. On Sundays, Maria and I (NOT NATE) would go to open mic and watch random people sing.



aside from going to bars, i’ve also been on a quest to find a coffee place. To my surprise, Paris actually sucks at the whole coffee business. Big Bear, Murky, 9th Street, Baked and Wired-esque cafes? Non-existent in Paris.

instead Nathan and I found a Chinese tea place by Places des Vosges. Its run by a super cute old man wearing a scarf, artistic jeans, and a nice sweater. On “tea-time” Tuesdays, Nathan and I can be found sippin’ some sencha or oolong…haha no not really but you get the point.

other things in my life?? Well, yeah, I still “have” my internship with the fashion photographer and I’m getting ready for a new burberry cologne shoot with her! I’m so excited. I’ll be going to a warehouse next Wednesday near “la haine” or the “banlieue” to assist in the shoot. Can’t wait…..

well, here you go guys, I hope this post was less “boring” than the other posts…





me & christina.



shoppers: december 5th is the date.

if you walk around sciences po, you may notice sonia rykiel.

now it is actually affordable.

wooo h&m.

Press Release:
H&M and Sonia Rykiel president and artistic director Nathalie Rykiel are proud to announce that Sonia Rykiel will be the next guest designer for winter 2009 and spring 2010. The French house founded by the “Queen of Knits” represents the distinctive, modern and impertinent spirit of Paris. This marks the first time that H&M has extended its designer collaboration to the world of lingerie and related accessories for women, with exclusive pieces to be launched in-store on December 5, 2009. The collection will be launched in 1,500 H&M stores worldwide and at the same time, Sonia Rykiel will make this lingerie collection available in Sonia Rykiel’s major boutiques around the world – another first for H&M.

maria, you've gotta see her.




i like da jam.

Seven from Fever Ray on Vimeo.

another "authentic" film.

drew barrymore + her choice of pork & beans = lame.

get yo free charlotte gainsbourg mp3



woooo good job charlotte....and well...beck.







thanks carles.

i present you: olafur's cuz. olof.

okay. i failed. but now i'm back.

hey guys.

ahh i know its been awhile. but i think its a good sign that i haven't been blogging for so long bc that also means i'm not always by myself in a room blogging about my life and being totally anti-social.

so ALOT has happened since my birthday. well, i went to versailles for the first time, i met more friends (gasp i know), and i got an internship with this fashion photographer (i can't name her on my blog) so I got to shoot for paris fashion week!

since a picture is "worth a thousand words," i'll be lazy and do that.

this is miro (my housemate) and i cooking our first breakfast together! hahaha yes i know, we are losers and bought a giant table grill.

in this picture, you can see the sausages that we bought along with LATKES from the jewish market next to us.

then we watched french tv. yes. they are making fun of anna wintour:



on another note, i went outside the other day and there was a "plastering" party going on with authentic street people (yes, they had tattoos and cool looking hats on) from around the world. I went outside at night sketchily with martin and nathan and took some shots.






here are some shots from paris fashion week that i took.



ok, this concludes my post for today.

i promise, i'll blog regularly from now on.
