
5th avenue shoe repair SALE SALE SALE!

couldn't really find stuff for myself but my sister luzette told me about the sale that's going on!!!


WANG GANG staying relevant via yohji.

alexander wang is finally opening his nyc flagship store in new york city!

check it out in 103 grand street.

via vogue

dontwannawearblackonblack. DONT U KNOW ITZ A FAUX PAS NASTASJA?????





haute couture = 1


neme Q U I T T E pas...


i n t e r n s h i p, 


a r i a l.

anyways, some forgotten shots from paris.

late nights at rue paul bert///

grecque à la 3 am.

late night connan mocakasin videos.


GARETH PUGH STORE ////just in from amy odell's blog.

"Because it was my first store, I knew I had to do something that was very me. So I went back to my runway shows and thought, what could be more me than a black box? But instead of doing something very one dimension, I decided to play around with a lot optical illusions that will change the space according to reflections. Contrasting themes such as shiny and matte, black and white, hard and soft are also important part of my style. I wanted to take these ideas and create something that would make sense in a retail environment."

man, im so hurttt. idontknowwhatimgonnado A N Y M O R E.

maybe i should break up w/ some1 & blog about it?

should 1 g3t terry to take a ~hot pic~ of me in williamsburg to stay r3l?

should 1 do the olivier zahm pos3?

is th1s h3artbreakin & r3l to u?


h3r3z a video for u to shar3 ur pain:

gondola chic via galliano.

photo: tommy ton.

let them dance.

Rainbow Arabia "Let Them Dance" Music Video from J on Vimeo.